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Rhonda, I know what you feel like ......... at one time, I thought the same thing about the heart attack scenario and then I thought about Lou Gherig's as a friend mine and same age had that. I havent' come across a definite diagnosis yet from my Dr. I am still on the anti-inflammatory and can't say that 800mg 2x's a day is really helping. But I am supplementing it with ice therapy 2-3 times a day and also some anagelsic lotion............I am bound and determined to feel better! I am a single female at age 57 taking care of myself and my 4 dogs; 2 of which are seniors. They are my children! I am also trying NOT to get depressed and eat right and do *some* cleaning around the house, but my bubble/enthusiasim gets bursted quite often. I wish ....................

January 24, 2010 - 5:08pm


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