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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I posted a few months back as well. i was in ER last night thinking I was having a heart attack, pain in arms, mostly left where the injection was done, and it really hurt especially around the upper arm and under the armpit. I have had almost every test done. CBC, ESR, CRP, Rheumatoid Arthritis, ECG(2 hours worth), Lymph node test, all came back negative except for one. ANA(Anti-nuclear anti-bodies) of which they say very unlikely any auto immune diseases as my ESR and CRP(inflammatory) tests came back okay. They figure it is a false positive.
This all started 3 days after my shot. I even get this pain shooting down my arms, mostly my left and in through my breasts to my under arm. This is driving me crazy, but I am not going to give up. I will get this taken care of. I am going to go see a naturopath this week because the doc's aren't doing anything to help me. Anyway any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


January 24, 2010 - 3:03pm


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