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(reply to Anonymous)

I wrote sometime back . My MRI "FINDINGS" on copy of report I requested is as follows:The tendons of the rotator cuff muscles are intact. A small amount of fluid is noted in the subacromial and the subdeltoid bursa. The tendon of the long head of the biceps is located in the bicipital groove. IMPRESSION: Since the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles appear intact, this may represent isolated bursitis or otherwise the possibility of a pinhole tear of the rotator cuff is difficlut to fully exclude........ So since they can't see a pinhole tear, it's bursitis. AAGGHH! My injection was high and towards the rear of my shoulder with a needle that was not the right size...it was for the buttocks muscle not the arm. Likely put in too deeply and too high. Docs really don't feel it's necessary to agree with my feeling that the pain was caused by the injection. They just put it off to basically...not wanting to admit it. Was at a most prominant HMO in So.Calif. Anyways, I went for the first time to Phys. Therapy. He said my tendons are super tight at the shoulder and my muscles weak. Need to strengthen them and put back in balance. He put me on a low impact excercise because he believes that I'm still inflammed. Here's what I am doing per P.T. exercise sheet:
you can see how it helps you...Realize though a visit once to a P.T. will give you a Personal Exercise Program addressing your exact needs...and then you just do those excercises at home.
1. Bend affected elbow and hold in front of body. 2. Grasp the arm with the other hand. 3. Try to rotate the arm outward, but resist the movement with the other hand 4. Hold 5 seconds. 5. 15-20 repetitions, 2-3 times per day. Next one: 1.Lie on back with both arms pointed upward as if you are reaching for a baby. 2.Raise shoulder off floor as you push fist toward ceiling. 3. Hold 5 seconds and repeat 15-20 times 2-3 times a day. Next one: 1. Lie on belly with arms resting at sides. 2. Pinch shoulder blades together. 3.Now, raise arms off floor keeping them straight back along your sides. 4.Hold 5 secons and slowly lower. 5.Repeat 15-20 times, 2-3 times per day. GOOD LUCK TO YOU. Hope it helps some. He also told me to ice it every few hours.

January 24, 2010 - 2:43pm


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