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EmpowHER Guest

This website has been a god send for me too. I find it very comforting to know that I am not alone in this battle to find answers. I have told several people I will nver get another flu shot and they all tell me how silly that it. Well the way I see it if I get the flu I will get over it or I will die from it. The pain in my arm is begining to feel like a life sentence. I am still hoping to hear from someone who can tell me what an MRI showed if anything because I am going to have to get one. I am also sad to say I am getting so accustomed to the pain that when it subsides a little I consider that a good day and I am so happy. I long for the pain free days. I cannot lift my arm above my head without sharp stabbing pains, I cannot take my arm and point in a direction without sharp stabbing pains. By the end of the day I am pretty much beside myself in pain. So, I take a pain pill. I cannot take a pain pill and work so I use ibuprofren which helps a little. Thanks to all of you who post. We have to keep on encouraging one another and pray for light at the end of this dark tunnel. ML

January 22, 2010 - 10:54am


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