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Anonymous (reply to Anne M)

I feel your pain too Anne. I am blaming this problem on the drug manufacturer because I AM a drug manufacturer as well and I think they had a problematic batch or moreout there. Too many people, identical symptoms, lengthy time frame. My pharmacy would be sued if we had inflicted this kind of problem on people. I have it on paper by both my orthopedic and the Neurologist and my bills have now gone over the 5,000.00 mark. This is rediculous and it is also why they make you sign a paper saying you know the risks. I really want to impress on you, physical therapy is a must folks. It will help. I am finally making progress. The injured nerves will eventually heal, we hope! But get into PT and be faithful with your appointments and exercises, please. Here's to recovery folks!

January 22, 2010 - 6:29am


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