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Its me once again..Anyone have any results from an MRI they are willing to share? I went to a different chiropractor and he feels the shot was given to low in my arm and therefore created damage to the muscle and nerve damage.Since the pain radiates into my shoulder and neck that is a good indication its nerve damage. He does feel I would benifit from Chiropractic. They have a special machine to relieve the tension and pain. It has little pads and it stuck to the areas of pain and sends a slight electical feeling through the muscle..I do have relief tonight in the shoulder neck area now but still deep throbbing stabbing pain at the injection site deep like it is to the bone..An x-ray showed no damage to the bone..My chiropractic wants me to go ahead with an MRI through my regular MD just to make sure we know what we are dealing with. Then after that I can prodeed with more aggressive chiropractic treatment..He also feels I would benifit from a muscle relaxer for a short time to calm things down. So, now its back to my MD for a MRI and see if he will prescribe a muscle relaxer. I currently am taking Darvocet which provides very little relief but does allow me to sleep at night. Keep posting you never know what might help someone and I will do the same. Best Wishes to all..ML

January 20, 2010 - 9:45pm


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