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Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to dLanie)

Hi dLanie, and Welcome to EmpowHER! We're glad to have you with us, but sorry to learn of the reason that led you to our site. We have several threads going with men and women who've had arm and shoulder pain following a vaccine, but I'm pretty sure you're the first person to write in about pain following an injection in the buttocks. Have you talked to your doctor about this? If so, are you getting the "I don't know" answer that others are getting about arm injections?

I tried to research this for you, and while I found references to gluteus nerve pain I wasn't able to find any references about this being caused by an injection. I'm going to check some additional sources. In the meantime, is there anyone else on this thread who's ever heard of this or had this experience? We'd love to hear from you.
Take care, Pat

January 20, 2010 - 6:30pm


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