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EmpowHER Guest

I am so glad I decided to google this tonight. I recieved my annual flu shot on Oct. 6th at work, it hurt immediately as I was recieving the injection. Approx. 1-2 hours later I was in excruitiating pain in my right upper arm/shoulder even across my shoulder blade. It has been 12 days since recieving the vaccination and I continue to have excruitiating pain daily. I have never experienced this before and thought I may be going nuts. On day 7 I woke up and thought my arm actually feels better today, but on day 8 I took a 4 hour CPR class and the excruitiating pain returned and has yet to go away. After reading all of these posts it is a relief to know that I am not "nuts" and that I am not the only one; however, it is scary to see that this seems to be a long term problem. I am going to make a Dr.'s appt on Monday and hope for the best. Thanks for all of the advice.

October 17, 2014 - 11:59pm


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