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EmpowHER Guest

I experienced all this from a flu vaccine I received back in 2009. I come back here now and then to see updates, etc. What I can say to you all is, ... You have most likely been injured by either the administration of the vaccine or a reaction to the vaccine itself.... Both of which are REAL and the majority of the doctors will not recognize or believe it. Fight your way through all the fluff they hand you. Demand nerve conduction tests. This test must be done early in order to see the damage. Physical therapy is important. You don't want a Frozen Shoulder. Most of all, take copious notes of your reactions, pain levels, doctor visits, anguish, etc. Go to this website : http://hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html . It gives you the how to's on what to do next. You may be eligible to be compensated for your injury. I still have residual pain in my shoulder...no where as bad as it was for the first 2 years. I was compensated. You all deserve better. It is not an experience anyone should have to endure. I'm still afraid to get my flu shot :( . Good Luck and may you all have speedy recoveries.

October 17, 2014 - 10:24am


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