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EmpowHER Guest

Okay, I am one that has made it through this entire process. I received my flu shot in Sept 2012 and knew immediately that something went terribly wrong-my shoulder felt separated. I then went on a journey through physical therapy, anti-amflammatories, multiple dr/ortho visits...finally an MRI and proof that I had a torn tendon. This ended up requiring surgery (March 2013) and the pain finally subsided! If I can give any advice, please DOCUMENT everything--none of the doctors I saw had ever heard of this, it was so frustrating and of course friends/family thought I was crazy as well. BUT, through my own research and the help of another forum member, I learned quickly about Shoulder Related Injury Due to Vaccination--please look this up, print the info, take it to someone that will listen...report your injury to VAERS and again, keep records of everything because there are also lawyers that specialize in these cases--look up Carol Gallagher in NJ (though I live in MO, she helped so much). You all are not crazy, there are plenty of us that have been through what you're going through--keep up the good fight and get relief. I lived six months in that agonizing pain and it affected me every moment of every day.

October 14, 2014 - 11:58am


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