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EmpowHER Guest

It was quite a relief to find this website - I was starting to fear that I had cancer in my shoulder. I got my flu shot the first week of November, right before my husband and I left for a 2.5-mo business trip abroad. The first three days were awful, I could not move my arm even an inch in any direction without extreme pain. I couldn't sleep at night, because resting or laying down would seem to intensify the pain and I had these pulsating stabs in my shoulder. The day after I received the flu shot, I went back to the pharmacy where I got it, in order to pick up rest of the prescription for the trip. When I told the pharmacist that I was in a lot of pain, she was very surprised, as not many people had the same reaction as I did. A thought came across my mind that something might have gone wrong, as I received the flu shot before and it was NOTHING compared to what I was feeling this time. I decided to ignore it, hoping that it would go away, but 2 months later I am still in pain. I regained about 90-95% mobility in my shoulder and the pain eventually subsided, but any extra weight on my arm and/or movement in a certain angle still causes pain. My husband has been begging me to go to the doctor, which I have been putting off until we get back to the States and my insurance would cover it. I get back in about two weeks and will immediately schedule a visit, but I am losing hope based on reading other people's post. I am an active person and the idea of having to be limited like this for the rest of my life is terrifying. At least it's not cancer.

November 5, 2012 - 5:07am


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