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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

There definitely is a vaccine fund. It is called the National Vaccine Injury Fund and you can google it. I believe you have to have had the problems for 6 months before you can make a claim. You will find authorized attorneys on the website... you can only use them. So find one in your area. You will be asked to get all of your medical records pertaining to any treatments you have sought for the injury. Keep detailed notes of your pain and how the injury has affected you. I have retained one of the attorneys and he has submitted my claim. It will take time, but, it's worth the effort to just get validation that our pain and injury is real and caused by the vaccine injections adverse effect on us. Don't wait too long like I did...just made it in time as there is a maximum of 3 years from date of injection. I found out about the fund way into my suffering from this great forum. Good Luck.

November 1, 2012 - 2:59pm


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