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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Thank you all for your additional insight. I posted the Oct 22nd listing, and I found out the shot gave me tendonitis. I was told if I waited long enough, it could turn into something much more severe. I was given a stronger medication for 5 days followed by antibiotics for 10 days. After taking the stronger medication, I now have full range of motion and am no longer in any pain. It is like night and day.
During the process, I was also told to keep the arm moving a little throughout the day and to squeeze and massage that muscle area (some recommend squeezing that muscle area every 30 min), which many people say pushes out the bad stuff and prevents "frozen shoulder." And drink lots of water! I also submitted a VAER's report, which I recommend everyone doing so that this is brought more attention one day.

November 1, 2012 - 9:10am


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