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EmpowHER Guest

It is funny that no one has addressed the etiology of the problem. Mostly it is all symptomology. This is the diseased mentality of the American Medical Association. Isn't it a dead giveaway that one of the first texts a med student buys is the Merck Manual? Merck: a pharmaceutical tyrant that sleeps with the FDA and CDC and funds university studies and provides "educational" materials to the upcoming allopathic medicine practitioners.

One problem is the incredible rise in Guillain-Barre Syndrome. One of the links seems to be to the different adjuvants that are now in most vaccines which are supposed to magnify the effect or improve the transport of the viral toxoid (which is often a recombined genetic product that includes aborted human fetal DNA or animal DNA). It is possible that squalene was used in your injection which is common in shark oils and can be consumed as a food but is neurotoxic when introduced directly into the bloodstream. The vaccine is supposed to be intramuscular, but if the brachial plexus is hit, then it isn't in the muscle only but in the nervous system. So an injury can occur.

It would not hurt to have some deep tissue massage and trigger-release therapy. Also, chelation therapy through parsley, cilantro, chlorella or glutathione (good luck finding it) might help. Of course, any release requires lots of water to flush along with lots of fiber or bentonite clay to bind away the toxins so they are not reabsorbed.

The US Government and Military is aware of this, but they continue to implement the experiments which are (at least partly) producing unprecedented numbers of injured vets with depression, PTSD, suicidal tendencies, and numerous types of neuro-muscular degeneration and chronic disease, including rheumatoid diseases such as fibromyalgia, neuropathies, etc.

Despite how you feel, exercise and sweat lots while also getting good therapy and nutrition.

October 24, 2012 - 2:36pm


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