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EmpowHER Guest

Received my "free" flu shot on October 1, 2012 and the pain started that afternoon - NEVER had problems with that shoulder before. I could not lift my arm or move it around without pain. A visit to an orthapedic surgeon on Oct. 11, 2012 resulted in clear x-rays and a steroid shot in the shoulder. Immediately felt better for about 2 days. Then the pain came back. he wants to do a 2 part MRI, but I can't miss work and I sure can't afford the thousands of dollars it will cost. I'm so tired of hurting. I don't know how some of you have done this for years. NSAID helps some as does Tramadol, but the first upsets my stomach, even with food, and the other makes me sleepy so I can't use them at work. I don't know what to do but sit and cry. Reading posts like these make me feel like there is no hope. Like this is going to be my way of life now.

October 23, 2012 - 11:26am


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