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EmpowHER Guest

I really appreciate all of these posts! I am a very healthy, 27 y/o female that went to get my annual 2 weeks ago. They asked about the flu shot, and I declined. Throughout my appointment, they politely kept pushing about the flu shot, so I caved. I thought, what could go wrong. I've been going to the same doctor for years, and I've never had an issue with shots before. I had the flu shot 3 years ago when I was pregnant with no issues.
Boy was I wrong! My arm hurts so much. I have very limited mobility - hurts extremely bad when changing clothes, picking up my daughter, driving, and much more. I love working out and was about to get back into the swing of it, but now I cannot lift weights. I wanted to start training to do fitness competitions. It's ruined my chances of going after dreams and playing pain-free with my child. This is ridiculous!
I cannot believe that there are so many posts about the issue on this and other sites, and they have yet to properly fix or address the issue, or merely even make people properly aware of it. To read a post that 5 women in one office received the flu shot recently and 3 had this issue... come on! For doctors to swear that a flu shot cannot cause an issue like this is crazy to me. I guarantee my issue came from the flu shot one way or another. I do not know if it was what was in the shot or how it was administered, but I do caution anyone looking to ever get the flu shot from now on.
I wish I did my research and stayed strong in saying no to the doctor and hope others will do that moving forward.

October 22, 2012 - 9:47am


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