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I vote with Janice R..(Myarmhurtstoo) I know what injured me..the vaccine. My shot was properely administered and the pain followed a few hours later..and by morning the next day, I could not move my arm or shoulder. That was September 23, 2009. NO, I am not recovered..nor does it appear that I ever will be.I have learned to live my life around my injury and to avoid anything that may set it off. It grieves my heart to see these "new" sufferers come here to post. I feel their pain. I can only ask you to read through this entire thread and do what others including myself have done. You will eventually get to the point that you are more like Janice R and myself..you learn to live with it and avoid hurting yourself or aggravating your injury. Good luck to you all and follow the links that she posted. Excellent information.

January 21, 2012 - 9:31pm


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