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EmpowHER Guest

This is my 3rd post here (last post was dec. 13, 2011). After months of pain, I am finally feeling better. I had an MRI on Dec. 16, 2011 at 8:30 am. I received a call from the hospital at about 1:30pm telling me to come to the emergency room immediately because an abnormality was showing in my bone.....talk about feeling panic! After all was said and done....blood work and x-rays, it was revealed that I had bone swelling and a chipped bone in my shoulder. ALL this was due to the flu shot and the fact that the nurse had somehow penetrated my bone with the vaccine. I am working towards having the physicians office cover all my out of pocket expenses. I still have some movements with my shoulder that cause discomfort, but overall, the pain has subsided greatly. My advice to any who have lasting pain after a vaccine, get it checked out!!!

January 21, 2012 - 5:24pm


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