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(reply to Janice R)

With the numbness yours might have hit a nerve. Which is an older and more accepted injury that is possible. Nerves can make places hurt that are nowhere near the damaged nerve as I learned with a rupture disc in my neck years ago. Really strange pain that shoots and moves around and comes and goes. Surgery corrected my issue BUT it took many many months before the pain almost entirely subsided. I'm told nerves heal slower than almost any other body tissue.

As for some of the other posters whose symptoms mirror mine exactly I'm betting it's SIRVA (shoulder injury as a result of vaccine administration) the "new" injury that they are still talking about and that hasn't really made the news yet. It is much more widespread than even the doctors that have now "published" a medical paper on it for peer review realize.

This link is a transcript of one of the meetings. The info about SIRVA starts around page 35 or 36 I think and goes on for about 20 pages or so.


This link I found over a year ago with good info that has proven to be accurate (I wasn't sure at first). And notice all the "new" comments below mine from last year when there were only a few.


It ain't in your mind folks! And I'm getting angry reading how they don't want to "rush" to issue CDC guidance yet until more studies, peer review, etc. In the meantime people are being hurt and I can tell you, while I'm about 90% ok now, the pain was extreme. We got the shot at my office (volutarily) from a local pharmacy and only five females were jabbed. Three of the five had this issue and a fourth complained about how high and painful the shot was. One was in her 30s and recovered faster. The other was my bosses wife close to my age 45-55 and she went through hell as did I and she is still having a lot of problems. Mine flares up a bit I noticed with the cold weather and if I overdo certain movements/excersises. My shot was September 2010.

I have now seen a recently updated chart where they state that the evidence that this Injection-Related Event causes Deltoid bursitis (frozen shoulder, characterized by shoulder pain and loss of motion) Convincingly Supports the cause being the vaccine injection. That's the highest rating of causality (sp?) they give. That was dated August 2011.

Please everyone keep updating. I am going to file a claim as well because I had medical expenses and missed work due to this. If the symptoms last for more than six months I believe you are eligible.

Good luck everyone!

January 5, 2012 - 4:31pm


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