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(reply to daisygirl)

I had the flu shot at the end of Nov. It was given to me at the side of my left arm almost near my armpit. An hour after I got it my arm was very numb - the next day my arm, shoulder, back and chest were in pain. I thought that I was having a heart attach so I went to the hospital. They did an EKG, xrays and blood test. No heart attach. He told me that it might be muscle related so I told him that I thought it was from the flu shot and he shook his head and smiled like I was crazy. I have had this pain every day since. It comes and goes. If I walk fast it is the worst. The pain is a very numb, weakening feeling. I am going to a heart specialist on Jan. 31 to have a stress test which I know I will fail. I am happy to have found this board because I never had this pain before and it started right after the shot. Does anyone have pain in the middle of the chest like I do? Thanks - Janice

January 4, 2012 - 6:35pm


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