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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Well, My flu shot was mid Oct. 2011. It's now Jan 4th 2012. My left arm and shoulder is still very painfull. I have half the strength and my left arm is half the size of my right arm. I'm currently seeing 4 different doctors and am on 5 medications. Nothing is helping. Perhaps in 3 years I'll be one of the lucky ones that gets 90% use back of my arm. I will never get another flu shot as long as I'm alive. I will likely be fired from my job as the hospital I work at has made the flu shot mandatory. I lost my left arm because of a stupid policy. Once all my tests come back positive for Brachial Plexus Neuropathy, which is medically documented to be caused by vaccinations, I'll be contacting my attourney.

January 4, 2012 - 6:08am


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