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I am a health care worker in a major area hospital. I was forced by this hospital to get the flu shot this year as they made it ''mandatory''. It's been over two months since the shot and my left shoulder and arm is still extremelly painful and I can't sleep more than two hours at a time as the pain wakes me up. I am seeing a doctor and have been put on Prednisone, and pain killers. The pain does not subside and I have lost a great deal of strength in my entire left arm and the pain seems to get worse with each passing day. I did not injur my arm yet everyone thinks I did. It's very frustrating. I'm sure a c.t., x-ray, M.R.I, or ultrasound would be negative. It appears that I have nerve damage as my symptoms mimic this type of condition. Shortly after my shoulder pain started I ended up in the emergency room covered it massive hives. I am currently seeing an allurgist for this thus all the Prednisone I'm on. My immune system is compromised now, my liver enzymes are high as well as white blood count. Very scary. My allurgist is convinced it was from the flu shot as I have never had allergies to anything. Plus he is currently treating four other people from this same hospital for similar complaints related to the flu shot. Even on Prednisone and Ultram I still have incredible shoulder pain that radiates partially up my neck and all the way down my arm and my thumb and index finger are partially numb. I was shocked to discover so many posts regarding this topic not only on this web site but on many others. Everyone seems to be going through the same thing. Many long weeks of extreme pain, lack of sleep, countless visits to different doctors and specialists, all with no relief or answers. Seems the duration of this condition could last up to a year or possibly more. I have been studying nerve damage and it sure points to that as the time to heal a nerve is quite long. What are we all gonna do? What can we do? HELP?

December 17, 2011 - 4:07am


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