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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

The cream gets used up in 13 hours or so. Something else is the matter. I've been using progesterone pills PLUS the cream in high doses for almost 5 years. I take a week off here and there without problems. Im now only taking 10 or 20 mgs cream per day unless very stressed then i take more. If i take too much i get slelepy and my bladder leaks and i get too hot and sweaty. I used to take 3 times that amount when i was on bi est estrogen. I'm post menopause and have mild adrenal insufficiency. Most of the progesterone I use seems to get converted into cortisol which helps me a great deal since the doctors said I was borderline and won't give me cortisol. I tried estrogen several times and it seems to build up in my system and causes big problems for me like low temperature s and extreme fatigue. I also take dhea 12.5 mgs a day. It works better than testosterone cream for me and is way cheaper. Pls note that some people convert progesterone straight into estrogen so that may be your original problem. I don't think the P cream is still in your system. Ps I had tons of problems with hormones since age 35 . Finally went to a naturopath who put me on adrenal support and then natural desiccated thyroid. It has helped a great deal.

June 8, 2015 - 7:00am


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