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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Ok. So that last short message was actually a small part of a long response.... So I'm going to try this again! It will get better. I was on 200mg for almost two years. I am 7 months out from stopping cold turkey. At first I thought..... This is it, I've lost my mind and off to the phych ward (not kidding at all). The anxiety, depression, insomnia, nightmares, high heart rate, feeling disconnected from realities almost more than I could handle. If I didn't do my research and find similar experiences as mine, I would be dosed up on all kinds of psych meds. Please be patient with yourself, take it day by day, it will get better! I can't stress that enough! Your brain and body are able to fully heal itself if given time. I had to take a leave of absence from work, and now I am back to work full time and enjoying my 4 girls to the fullest again. Please ask away, if you need! Heck you can phone me if you want! Thinking of you. Best wishes

May 6, 2015 - 6:00pm


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