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Just read comments from when I posted in March. I am 62 and had my last menstrual cycle at 55. I have now been using SottoPelle for almost 2 years. I am fortunate that I live in Scottsdale so go to Dr. Tutera's offices. I was very unbalanced so changes were all over the board and varied a lot with each implant. Those of you just starting give yourself some time. I have also, with guidance from my SP naturopathic doctor, been applying adrenal healing principles to my lifestyle. He had me read "Adrenal Fatigue 21st Century Stress Syndrome" by James L Wilson. I have had to just let go of immediate results and be patient. Not saying that has been easy. It is taking time but it is working. When I am using the SP implants I do feel better. I have softer skin but more hair. Yes now I have to wax not only eyebrows but lip, chin and sometimes sides of my face. Not a big deal. Just more wax. I would be getting more facial hair if I was not using SB. It is a part of life. Breasts are fuller. No complaints about that. Even though I am not in a permanent relationship I like the "higher gear" sexually as it just feels good. If I do have sex it is great for me and my partner. I do think about sex more than I did before. I guess a little insight into a man's mind. I choose to have a bleed-off every month so use only 10 of 150 mg promethium each month my Dr. orders from a compounding pharmacy. At age 58 my body put on weight due to an uninterrupted period of high stress. This happened despite my years of disciplined exercise and diet. It has taken a different mindset to be patient but working with my adrenals has allowed that to start to change and the weight is slowly coming off without the previous level of effort. Interesting that in cultures where women do not deal with the stresses we have they do not get all these supposedly "normal" symptoms as they age. SP has helped with headaches but I still get them occasionally on the left temple but am finding a direct correlation with the headaches and emotional stress. The best solution I find is to get myself out of the stressful situation and into a more positive one that supports me. My headache will go away.
I have never had problems with sleeping but my sister, who does not use SP, does and so I can empathize. I hope those who do will find solutions.
Have enjoyed reading your experiences. Since we are all unique, do not all think the same and have taken care of our bodies differently over the years it makes sense that we will have varied reactions to a protocol. Even one that is customized.

November 12, 2009 - 10:51am


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