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I'm 62 had no period for 14 yrs,and still have my uterus...close to a yr ago started the biodentical cream..was taking too long to build up..so I got the Sottopelle pellets..testosterone and estrogen and SL progesterone...after the second set of implants and aprox. 6 mos later..I started bleeding for 2 wks at a time..went to my GYN..he put me on 200 mg of prometrium..they cost $100 for 30 pills..well after 26 days of excruciating stomach symptoms..including bleeding rectally and considering going to the emergency room..I finally connected, it had to be the prometrium..so I stopped them..I'm fine now. Conclusion..we trade one set of problems for another. I originally started bioidentical hormones in hopes of curing a chronic condition i was diagnosed with 10 yrs ago...Trigonitis...it did help..as I've not had to take any macrodantin now for 3 mos, after taking them for 10 yrs. For each person it's just what you're willing to deal with...weighing pros and cons..I did put on weight, and got puffy..on the positive side..no more hot flashes, more libido and stronger orgasm, more physical sexual feeling. I'm waiting to talk to my GYN and see if maybe having a period would eliminate the bleeding for 3 mos at a time off and on. I'm now thinking about going back to the cream or gel..as it's easier to adjust dosage or deal with any symptoms !

February 27, 2012 - 1:22pm


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