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Your skin is your largest organ - living, breathing tissue. Exfoliation of dead surface cells and proper hydration help keep your skin looking fresh and radiant at any age.

I'm a believer in the occasional facial, not just for the therapeutic benefit of being pampered, but for the healthful benefit of treating your skin well. After having spent several years at a young age in the fashion industry, and then later in the cosmetics industry, I found that most of us haven't been taught well enough how to care for our own skin type and condition.

What you experience with the facials is quite normal. People often mistake the surfacing of stuff from under the surface of the skin as allergic reactions or sensitivity to the product, when the product was doing exactly what it is formulated to do. A healthy diet and proper hydration, use of non-comedogenic products and a healthy lifestyle all contribute to good skin health.

These days, good skin care should be relatively easy. What's difficult is selecting the proper products for your skin type and condition. If you don't have the luxury of going for a facial, consult a skin care specialist or your dermatologist.

It has been a while since I've gone for a facial. You've reminded me that it would be a lovely treat - sometime soon!

November 3, 2008 - 7:58pm


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