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Hi there girls,
I am from Australia, and have just found this thread as I was looking at some new ideas on how I can get some relief from my Trigonitis which I have had for 15 years. After a hysterectomy, there were surgical errors which meant that I needed to have a stent inserted into my ureter while damage healed. The tail on the stent which went into my bladder caused me great pain and discomfort from the moment It was inserted - this I am sure caused my trigonitis as symptoms occurred then. I have had two diathermies which I must say was very successful as the ulceration was over a large area, and the second time the ulcer was much smaller. I probably need to go and see a urologist again but am very scared to see a new one as my old urologist has since stopped practising (he was so understanding) I am now looking for some non invasive alternatives if thats possible. Trigonitis is an all body condition as when there are flare ups I get flu like symptoms as well as a temp pain and discomfort and micro blood in the urine. As the lady above said sneezing is dangerous simply because of the pain it causes if you don't' brace yourself. I have never talked to anyone else who suffers from this condition so I am very happy to have come across this site.I know that I will have to get the courage to see another urologist soon as When one has trigonitis the chance of bladder cancer increases (or that is what my old urologist told me )So ladies go and get that cystoscope done just to be on the safe side.

February 23, 2010 - 4:07pm


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