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I was also diagnosed with trigonitis by a urologist after a referral from my OB/GYN to rule out IC. I'd had a terrible flare up the night before and I was still burning when i went in for the cystoscopy and I wanted to kill the urologist afterwards! He gave me some Vicodin for the pain and that was it. I have never heard of many of the antibiotics that I'm seeing here and now I dont have insurance to go back to the doctor. Its been a miserable road. I remember that I hated to "go pee" when I was a child and I experieced painful or burning urination but I dont remember when it started and as a child I didnt know it wasnt supposed to feel like that. I didnt get infections that I knew of until my senior year of high school. I was on the swim team and excessive moisture from wearing my swimsuit a little too long probably contributed to the yeast infection but I had no symptoms. My Dr. found it during my yearly and one pill cleared it up. It was nearly four years later when things got really bad. I got a strong urgency to urinate but couldnt and the sensation that the fire of hell was rapidly tearing through my vagina and stomach. I even had some spotting. The strange thing is this came only 2 days after having a fine yearly check up and the doctor didnt find any infection when i went back in the next morning either. I went through about 3 different antibiotics. None of them worked. Months later...college health center found E-Coli and an abnormal pap....more antibiotics. Second pap was normal but the burning feeling still came and went. Sex contributed to the irritation and I would feel raw and chaffed afterwards. May not be worth noting, but my GYN first told me that I had HPV and after the colposcopy found that it was just a bacterial infection. I've also been diagnosed with Candidiasis. Its been about 4 years since the first flare up and I am still struggling. I take cystex and heavy doses of pain killers and sleeping pills. If you can't beat it...escape it...i guess. I dont know what else to do.

August 30, 2009 - 6:16pm


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