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EmpowHER Guest

YES!!! I am a 64 yr. old woman who recently had the seasonal flu shot. I never get these shots as I don't take medicines hardly at all so am skeptical on this shot. Due to the H1N1 scare I decided to get this one hoping that it will offset the effects of swine flue if it should hit our area. The seasonal flu shot that I received had Thiomersal in it. I should not have had it. I did develop shingles and have never had a cold sore before this. I had the shingle (herpes zoster) on the corner of my lip and it has made my mouth sore and the roof of my mouth. I went on meds for that. The Dr. that gave me the shot had no idea that shingles could be a side effect, didn't even know that it had the Thiomersal in it. go figure! Now I am experiencing pain in my right shoulder, back, lung area. hard to bend over. don't know where this is headed............any comments from others?

November 9, 2009 - 6:06am


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