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Though I am not an expert, I know something about this as I have always had a strong aversion to cow's milk and have researched to find out why. Basically, we should NOT be drinking the milk of another animal. Once we are past weaning(mother's milk) we should not have animal milk in our diets at all. Many people have a problem digesting it and it can also actually create calcium deficiencies in later life as the protein in animal products can cause the body to eliminate calcium. Also, it is more fattening. Another thing is that it is mucous forming.
I haven't had any cow milk in my diet for thirty odd years and people remark that I have the skin of a teenager and I am thirty eight.
You are best to get your calcium from green leafy vegetables, like kale and brocolli, etc.

Soy is high in estrogen and in this county the beans are often genetically modified. It is better than cow milk but in moderation. It is high in protein but can also be high in fat.

I have recently read that rice milk is the best as long as it's organic,contains non gentically modified rice and doesn't have added sugars. Rice milk is lower in calories than soy and cow milk. It is also lower in protein but if you are getting lots of protein from healthy fish, beans and lentils, you should be fine. Try Trader Joe's Rice-Um". It is lower in price and has very little fat, but 30% calcium and Vitamin D. Also "Naturally Preferred Rice Milk" has added acidophilus.

October 7, 2008 - 1:22pm


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