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(reply to Alison Beaver)

HI Alison, I really like your sense of humor so I decided to ask you for a little assistance. I want this post where other people can read it but I'm not sure if I'm replying in the right method for that LOL, anyway. I have had both of my tubes removed due to complete blockage. When I had the dye contrast procedure done my tubes were so blocked no dye came out and as a matter of fact my Obgyn called in another doctor just to make sure what she was looking at were actually my tubes b/c she had never seen any so enlarged. I had numerous symptoms and complications that were eventually (1 yr later) found to be a result of APS (Anti Phosphilipid syndrome). I have sense then taken the blood thinners needed to treat the APS. Recently I have had nausea, bloating, mood swing and breast tenderness. My doctor assured me that I would not be able to get pregnant without IVF b/c only what she referred to as the "stump" of my tubes were left. I am wondering from the things that I have read if my sticky blood composition due to the APS may have allowed a way for my eggs to travel and allow me to get pregnant. I sounds silly but also possible.
I recently lost my insurance so it would be my luck that it would happen now if it were possible LOL. Can you please give me some insight and just let me know if I'm a crazy person or is it a possibility?

Thanks for your Time,

August 2, 2010 - 10:13am


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