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Hi folks, I am not a "her", but came across this site researching Fosamax and femur fractures. I have been taking Fosamax since 1999 for osteoporosis and on Dec 28 I slipped and fell on ice resulting in a fracture of my left femur about 6 inches below the hip joint. I had an IM rod implant and am healing (I hope). The ortho doc is aware of the link between biphosfonates (sp?) and femur fractures and just did a nuclear gamma bone scan of the other lower extremities to look for emerging stress fractures and I will have the results later this week....keeping my fingers crossed! I also had a stress fracture of the 5th metatarsal of my right foot about 2 years ago...... just walking across a smooth carpeted floor and "snap". I'm not sure if the two are related or not..??

Do any of you or your docs have recommendations for rebuilding bone strength other than the usual Vit D & calcium supps?

Thanks for listening,


January 19, 2010 - 1:45pm


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