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I know I've said this before, lol! But it was Jonny Bowden, a nationally known and very popular health and fitness expert, who first said it during a live chat hosted by iVillage.com (where I once managed the Diet & Fitness channel). All the same, desperate to find something that would help me shed the extra weight I've gained since going through menopause, I did sign up for the L.A. Weight Loss program.

Now, I had also started my second season of marathon training at the time. However, one of my coaches said she had successfully lost serious weight with the program, and during prior training seasons. So, why not try, eh?

Well, it's probably not the easiest task in the world to balance the higher caloric demands of training to run a marathon with the lower caloric demands of trying to lose weight. Although I explained this to the LAWL center "counselors," they thought the program should still work out well. So, I plunked down a ridiculous amount of money to enroll and purchase the starter package. The deal was that, if I followed the 12-month program to the finish, half the cost would be rebated. Nice incentive.

The first weekend was a quick start liquid detox. The product tasted pretty good, like something I would have made with my own juicer at home, and I didn't feel any negative side effects. Then, I was supposed to follow a program of fresh foods and their supplement bars. The bars are an awful, pasty texture with no flavor. I quickly figured out that they are the cash cow of the program.

Every time I weighed in, it seemed I was actually gaining weight. Note: do your weigh in in the morning! So, after 6 months, and at the end of my training season, I started falling off the program.

The before/after photo wall of fame showed people I knew who had followed the program. However, not one of them was from my training program. I think the LAWL program probably does work for some people; just not for those of us who are immediately at odds nutritionally.

I decided to take Jonny's words to heart and just go back to eating real food. Eating fresh, organic, non-processed foods may be a little more expensive and time-consuming than popping something in the microwave. But, I've slowly (emphasis on slowly) been shedding a few pounds and my body shape has improved.

Now, if I could just get a handle on the visceral belly fat!

August 1, 2008 - 4:24pm


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