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(reply to Tina Tran)

Hi Tina,
I'm a doula and birth educator in a small town in MT. Here's answers to your questions:
I charge $500 for birth doula services. That would include everything, several meetings before birth with client and partner, the birth itself, from the time the client wants me there, I usually stay about 2 hours after birth, visit the next day, plus one or two more visits in the next week(s). That's a pretty standard charge here. I know in some cities in CA, doulas charge up to $1500 for the same service. I would never charge by the hour or have some kind of fee based on time.
About credentials, there are several organizations which credential doulas. A potential doula could tell you if she was certified with a group and then you could check that out with them. I think a better gauge of how she might be for you would be to ask for several references and call them and ask a lot of questions. Finally, your gut feeling about a doula should be a good guide as well. Some people are just better fits for each other than others. You would also want someone with good experiences with your provider and place of birth.
Hope this is helpful!

July 15, 2008 - 7:15pm


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