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Hemmoragic ovarian cysts

By September 27, 2017 - 10:13am
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What is a hemmoragic ovarian cyst? Does that means that the cyst is bleeding into the abdomen?
Is an hemmoragic cyst the same as a rupture cyst?
When the cyst rupture, does it means you can have vaginal bleeding besides your periods?
I'm suffering from hemmoragic ovarian cyst and very painful and feels lot of pressure in my pelvic region which I think presses on my bowel, because I have lots of difficulties to pass a bowel movement and when I do there are very narrow and increases the pelvic pain. And very sharp pain that comes and go that are added to the constant pain.

I now had I lot of pain during the night l, my blood pressure drop at 92/61. I feel slightly dizzy and lightheaded. Feel like all my abdomen is bloated and sometime have pain in other regions of my abdomen amd sometime also painful when eating, I feel like over full after two or three minutes.
I still have a low fever like around 99.5 to 99.8 f.

I'm waiting to see my gym so I'm searching for answers meanwhile.
So thanks and hope you can answer my questions.

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Myriam

Thank you for writing!

There are several kinds of reproductive cysts. One of the more painful types of ovarian cysts is the hemorrhagic cyst. They develop when a blood vessel ruptures and drains blood into the fluid already in the cyst. This releases blood back into the ovary which can cause the pain. Surgery is sometimes necessary, but medication and rest are other options. This is not the same as a ruptured cyst and does not mean the cyst is bleeding into the abdomen.
Your symptoms could certainly be connected to a hemorrhagic cyst. I hope you get to see your gynecologist soon, and can get a diagnosis/treatment plan so you feel better.

September 27, 2017 - 3:38pm
(reply to SusanC)


But can bleeding from an hemmoragic ovarian cyst be related to my brood pressure that drops?

September 27, 2017 - 8:05pm
HERWriter Guide (reply to Myriam)

Hello again

Your blood pressure is on the lower side but not worryingly so. However, some cases of low blood pressure is due to anemia (which can cause dizziness) - have your doctor check your iron counts. We are not in a position to say if your low blood pressure could be caused by this cyst.

September 28, 2017 - 1:08pm
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