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Does washing with soap and water kill sperm on hands?

By Anonymous March 30, 2011 - 4:17pm
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My boyfriend and I engaged in manual sex. If before fingering me he had semen on his hands, I wanted to know if him washing his hands with soap and water is enough to get rid of the sperm so it can't get my pregnant. I'm not on birth control and we didn't use protection. As a precaution before manual sex aka fingering, are soap and water enough to make sure that my boyfriend has no sperm on his hands? I also gave him a handjob and he ejaculated with wet fresh semen on my hands but I went to the bathroom and washed it off with luke warm water and antibacterial soap and then dried after. After drying I urinated and washed my vagina with antibacterial soap touching it with the same hand, in order to prevent a UTI. I'm sorry I'm just really worried that I may not be pregnant so I'm freaking myself out. This event happened March 15th (11 days after my period had started) so its been over 2 weeks since then, if I take a pregnancy test will it be accurate? I don't expect my period till April 3rd

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I gave my boyfriend a hand job twice and he came both times. We both wiped ourselves down with paper towels and I’m pretty sure we washed our hands and then a quite a few hours later I fingered myself. I’m a virgin and I’m getting really panicked about if I’m pregnant or not. I’ve urinated and washed everything straight away when I fingered myself but am I pregnant ??

June 16, 2018 - 2:33pm
Guide (reply to JessieLou66)


Please post once only. You have asked this question already in a new posting.


June 16, 2018 - 3:31pm
EmpowHER Guest

So I gave my boyfriend a handjob and he came. We cleaned it up with napkins. He placed the napkin in one hand (left) and placed another napkin in his other hand (right) and covered up the one with semen in it. He then threw it away. He went to go wash his hands with kind of coldish water and soap. After about 2 minutes, he then fingered me. Am I at risk of getting pregnant?

October 8, 2017 - 2:30pm
EmpowHER Guest

so me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex. he pulled out and came. he cleaned himself with a wet towel and soap. can i still get pregnant ?

October 7, 2017 - 9:28pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I read there is a thing called pre cum. This a small amount of cum that can come out at any time before he comes & he doesn't even know it. So u can get pregnant. The pull out method is not safe! I suggest a condom, because we don't know for sure our partners r only having sex with us. A condom will help prevent diseases & unwanted pregances. I used pull out method about 8 times, didn't get pregnant, but i did get syphlis. Don't know if I could have goten pregnant because I had some pre cancerous pap smears & had 2 have some procedures done. Good Luck!

March 5, 2018 - 10:11pm
EmpowHER Guest

My boyfriend and I were having foreplay. He came after a handjob and he went and washed himself as I did. We then had protected sex an hour later, no issues with the condom at all. I know I'm being paranoid but just need a second opinion that there is no chance of becoming pregnant from this? I'm thinking in case there was still some left over so I'm stressing

July 15, 2017 - 6:26am

Hello Susan,
I'm really freaking out right now. Yesterday, I gave my boyfriend a blowjob and after he come in, he wipe his hands with hanky (full of semen) and dried his hand real fast. After 2-3 minutes he fingered me and I'm not quite sure if his hands are really dried up. I'm really worried because What if I might a risk of getting pregnant? I hope you can response my message and that would be really great.

Thank you, Susan Cody!

July 1, 2017 - 8:06am
EmpowHER Guest

Hi recently my boyfriend fingered me and I gave him a handjob then he went to the toilet nd came back he said he washed his hands and we continued but his penis was wet and I'm pretty sure I washed my hands but a lil while after I scratched my vagina is there any chance if I didn't wash my hands I could be pregnant help please!!!!

June 21, 2017 - 12:06pm
EmpowHER Guest

Hello. I gave my boyfriend oral
sex and he did come, and it was inside my mouth. A little while later he fingered me, i kissed him, and he put his fingers in his mouth. Then he fingered me again and I know it is a long shot but I am a virgin and am terrified that i could get pregnant. Is there any possible way that the sperm could have been transferred from my mouth to his mouth to his fingers to my
vagina? Is pregnancy possible, or am I just paranoid?

June 6, 2017 - 12:15am
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

You are not a virgin after doing that. It is still sex. "Petting" is still adultry in it's definition. Sorry to spoil any self justifications you had but that's just definition.

June 15, 2017 - 4:06am
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