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Abortion and still having preg signs

By October 30, 2018 - 8:36pm
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Good ma,please dont judge me.i had an abortion last week Saturday and up till now am still feeling weak and having spit on my mouth,the pregnancy signs are still with me ,could it be possible that It could be a twin and the other embryo still in me ,the doctor showed me the flesh like stuff he removed from me as the embryo,,am just so confused.what should I do now

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HERWriter Guide

Hello marycrane

Thank you for writing.

After an abortion there are still pregnancy hormones in the body. The uterus is completely emptied so a twin would not be left behind. Your hormones may be why you still feel pregnant. Since you are still feeling quite unwell, talk to your doctor.

October 31, 2018 - 4:39am
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