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Release Lower Back Pain with Yoga Poses

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Causes of Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is often a result of overuse. Even if you don't have an active job or lifestyle, sitting at an office desk for eight hours can put a strain on your muscles.

However, the pain can also come from an injury to your ligaments, discs or muscles. In general, when there is an imbalance with the muscles or spine you will experience discomfort, but depending on your condition and doctor's approval, yoga may provide the relief you need.

Yoga Poses
First, it's important to get in touch with your body and pinpoint the location of the pain so you can focus on stretching that area. The Mountain Pose makes an excellent starting point, because it forces you to stand up straight and balance your weight evenly.

Another tip is to accept your body's current state of being. In other words, don't attempt difficult yoga poses or ones that aggravate the lower back. The Cat Pose and the Upward-Facing Dog Pose focus on stretching the spine, but if you can't reach a full stretch, don't be discouraged. Just keep practicing.

Sometimes even simple motions can release the muscle tension in the back. Try lying on your stomach with your arms to your side, then bend both legs and gently and sway them back and forth as if they were windshield wiper blades. Or you can lie on your back and curl into a ball.

More challenging yoga poses include the Bridge Pose and Sage Twist.

Yoga Tips
When trying out these poses, it's beneficial if you remember to breath regularly so you increase your circulation and feel the full tension and release of the muscles. Also, be aware of your body and accept your current level of comfort with every pose. Yoga DVDs can be helpful if you're looking for beginner variations of challenging poses.

Dealing with continuous back pain can be frustrating, but implementing these yoga exercises for lower back pain into your daily routine may relax that tension and ease your mind too.

Author Bio
Marina Hanes has a B.A. in Professional Writing and Editing, and she owns a writing and editing business called Cat’s Eye Editing, LLC.

Add a Comment1 Comments

Thank you for the links to the yoga instructions. I'm a bit timid about going to a public yoga session but I'd like to try out some of the poses. I wonder if anyone's posted the following poses I'm well practised at:
a- SlouchingInChair pose,
b- StoopedWalking pose,
c- PartialReclineOnTheCouch pose. ;-)

September 23, 2009 - 6:54am
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