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Movie Booze Means Teens Use -- HER Daily Dose

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In this edition of EmpowHER's, "HER Daily Dose", Bailey Mosier examines a report showing a correlation between alcohol product placement in movies and teen drinking.

Hi, I’m Bailey Mosier and this is your EmpowHER HER Daily Dose.

The film industry once received a lot of flack for tobacco product placement and the influence it had on young people taking up smoking. The same thing may soon be happening with alcohol.

Researchers from Dartmouth Medical School in Lebanon, N.H. studied more than 6,500 U.S. kids, aged 10 to 14 over a two-year period and found that teens who watched the most movies featuring alcohol were twice as likely to start drinking and 63 percent more likely to progress to binge drinking than teens who watched the fewest of such movies.

The researchers believe their findings should signal U.S. movie makers to adopt the same restrictions for alcohol-product placement as they have for tobacco. While the researchers uncovered an association between alcohol use in movies and teen drinking, they did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship.

That wraps up your EmpowHER HER Daily Dose. Join me here at EmpowHER.com every weekday for your next dose of women’s health.

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