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Restless Legs Syndrome Support Join this Group


By May 17, 2012 - 4:59pm

I.ve had restless leg syndrome foe about 30 years . not until 15 tears ago do I know what it was called. I talked to my doctor about and she subscribed a medication called Requip and it made an immediate relief. It even relieved the ghout pains in my and when I had skin cancer.

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This is a place for you if you are suffering from Restless Legs Syndrome, or RLS. If you are suffering from severe sleep deprivation because your legs will not let you lay still, this is the place for support and some answers. There is no cure, but there is more and more help out there to be had, and we can help each other. We will also be able to discuss many sleep disorders since RLS is diagnosed as a sleep disorder and a movement disorder. PLMD, sleep apnea, and plain old insomnia.


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