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By September 25, 2018 - 4:30am
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Hi, I have question to ask which is about my sister she’s younger than me and she is 29 years old. She is a very sensitive person she never was like this any little thing bothers her, she has some depression and thinks whatever she says are all correct. Her mind is not mature has a very childish mentality. She keep talking about something and doesn’t let it go. She drives usbcrazy to like this. Her reactions looks like something’s actually wrong with her and she doesn’t want to understand the right things we tell her. She keeps looking for trouble to argue over to. I want to know a person like this what does it mean? What can we do to fix her mind? She makes things really annoying. Please let me know soon.

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Melissa

Thank you for writing.

I'm sorry you find your sister very annoying. But perhaps she feels the same way about her family. We can't tell you how to fix her. Not all families get along so my advice is to disengage from any arguments or discussions that lead to disagreements or fights by walking away. Keeps visits with her brief and since she suffers from depression, try to show some sensitivity. It sounds like she could do with some form of therapy but that cannot be forced upon her - it's something she will have to decide for herself.


September 25, 2018 - 12:30pm
(reply to SusanC)

HI sorry I didn’t explain clearly her problem is not just like this it’s kind of complicated. The main thing is she is experiencing depression and paranoia in a mixed up way I’m wondering what do you think this means? Getting your idea in this then I would know what to do.

September 25, 2018 - 9:23pm
HERWriter Guide (reply to Melissa6666)

Hello again
We cannot make a diagnosis of your sister (tell you what it all means) other than she may have mental health issues that require therapy, medication, or both.
Suggest to her that she seeks help -in a caring manner and not in the middle of an argument or a heated moment. Make sure things are calm and that she is approachable. Most people have a moment when they can be clear-headed and somewhat relaxed - use that time to offer her help.

September 26, 2018 - 1:10pm
(reply to SusanC)

Thanks. I have random question when a person says I’m a medical advocate what does it mean exactly?

September 27, 2018 - 10:13pm
HERWriter Guide (reply to Melissa6666)


I'm not sure what a medical advocate is. Do you mean health advocate?
A health advocate is a person who promotes good health and well-being for themselves or others.

September 28, 2018 - 4:33am
(reply to SusanC)

Thanks for letting me know. Just to know I don’t understand why your site keep freezing it comes up slow. Is there anyone I can contact?

September 28, 2018 - 10:24pm
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