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7 Creative Date Ideas for You and Your Partner This Valentine’s Day

By HERWriter
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Valentine's Day date ideas Via Unsplash

Sponsored by: Fiera®

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and there's no question that Hallmark knew what they were doing when they hijacked a holiday based on romance in the middle of February. It’s a time of year when many of us need some love.

We are sick of winter, exhausted from the long slog of work that follows December’s holiday schedule, losing steam on our New Year’s resolution, etc., etc., etc.

When we are feeling stressed, irritable, stir-crazy and a little defeated, it’s definitely not always easy to get in the mood — romantically or sexually. This is why now, more than ever, we want to get your creative juices flowing (and maybe some other juices too ... ) with a list of inspiring date ideas.

Here’s the trick, folks. All of these options are affordable, easy to organize, and sure to result in some good memories.

1. Try Something New

painting class
Via Unsplash

Investigate your local events page, LivingSocial, Groupon or a similar site, and look for some sort of activity that neither of you have ever done before.

A painting class? Skydiving? Dance lessons? Get out of your comfort zone and learn something new together! Even (or maybe especially) if the activity you decide on is a bust, you’ll at least have some great stories later.

2. Try Something New in the Bedroom

try something new in bed
Via Pexels

When was the last time you tried something new and made your sex life a little more exciting?

Fiera®, a new sexual wellness product intended for “before-play,” is a good start to introducing something new to the bedroom.

Tried and tested by and for real women, Fiera is designed to warm your body up for sex, enhance your feelings of intimacy, and get your mind and body in the mood.

Fiera doesn’t have to be reserved just for Valentine’s Day – try it all year round to keep intimacy strong.

Use Fiera as you transition from work to home life. Rather than changing into sweats right away or sitting on the couch and watching TV, spend just a few minutes with Fiera. We promise, it will make your evenings much more intimate with your partner.

You can get an exclusive deal for being an EmpowHER reader to help you reignite the spark in your relationship. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with $25 off Fiera!

3. Get Competitive

cooking class
Via Pexels

Some good, old-fashioned rivalry in a healthy context can be just the thing to reignite your relationship twinkle. If you’ve been feeling particularly quarrelsome over the past few weeks, it might make all the difference to put some of that energy toward a wholesome and good-natured, sanctioned competition.

For example: Set yourselves up with a homemade Iron Chef challenge! Decide on a secret ingredient that you both have to use to make some sort of delicious dish.

Not only will you have a fun battle and kitchen hijinks to rehash afterward, but hopefully you’ll get some sweet treats to top it off! (And no one will stop you from having loud kitchen floor sex, either.)

4. Sweat it Out

couple working out
Via Unsplash

Squeezing exercise into your busy schedule can feel like a workout in itself. But physical activity can help to make you feel better about your body, more positive about yourself, and often more interested in getting physical. (Thank you, endorphins!)

So why not reap these benefits together? Make your date (or at least part of it) focused on exercise — perhaps a couple’s yoga class, a dance lesson or even a brisk walk in the park. If you both get sweaty, it’s all the more reason to share a shower afterward.

5. Eat Out

dinner date night
Via Pexels

This is a classic — and obvious — suggestion. Get dressed up, feel fancy, admire each other’s dapper looks and go out to somewhere delicious for a special, intimate meal. But FIRST, have a little sexy time.

Get heated and leave yourselves wanting more. Talk about an appe-teaser ... You’ll want to order the main course and jet home for dessert.

6. Be Sneaky

couple kissing carousel
Via Pexels

Commiserating on some sort of project, or sharing a secret, can make you feel closer than ever to a partner. Got some friends or neighbors with a decent sense of humor? Plan a prank on them with your Valentine!

Or imagine entirely different life stories for each other, and strike up a conversation with a stranger at a bar, using your new personas. Nothing sweeter than feeling like you are in on a joke that no one else can see!

7. Warm Hearts Together


If getting naughty together revs your engines, some kind deeds might just do the trick as well! Choose a cause that you are both passionate about — reading to the elderly, tutoring kids, building houses, building trails, walking dogs, etc. Then go together for a date that won’t only make YOU feel good, but will benefit others too.

A partner that cares about the world around them — and does something about it — is undoubtedly sexy. After a few hours of giving back to your community, you’ll feel absolutely no guilt about hitting the sheets for the rest of the day!

Obviously spicing up your romance is fabulous year-round, but why not start the whole year off with a bang — if you know what I mean — this Valentine’s season!? Spread the love, and let us know what YOU do to reignite the spark!

Maybe you have plans already, decide to use our $25 discount to try Fiera, or choose one of our other fun date ideas above. We wish you a happy and healthy Valentine’s Day no matter what you do!

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