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Ending Back to School Jitters for Moms and Kids Alike

By HERWriter Guide
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how to end jitters for moms and kids when it's time to go back to school MonkeyBusiness Images/PhotoSpin

While I have several friends around the country with kids back in class already, a lot of us are in the same position at the moment -- enjoying the last few weeks of summer vacation before school is in after Labor Day.

We have great memories of summer but school is looming. With a more regimented schedule arriving, both kids and parents can feel stressed. But there are some easy ways to deal with back to school jitters.

To ease parents' fears, it's a good idea to email the children's teachers (if that information is given out) before school starts. This way they can introduce themselves and let the teacher know that they are available to talk whenever needed.

Volunteering once in a while is a great help to teachers and an even better way to know what's going on in class on a day-to-day basis.

While it's not mandatory for public schools, helping with school supplies gets the kids on track for their studies straight away. Doing a tour of the school and having a face-to-face introduction with teachers and the other staff at the school will ease fears of the unknown. Check the school's website for information about open house nights.

Kids have back-to-school jitters too. The American Academy of Pediatrics has tips on how to make the transition from summer to school. They recommend talking to your children about changes in a positive way:

"Remind your child that there are probably a lot of students who are uneasy about the first day of school. Teachers know that students are anxious and will make an extra effort to make sure everyone feels as comfortable as possible.

"Point out the positive aspects of starting school: It will be fun! She'll see old friends and meet new ones. Refresh her positive memories about previous years, when she may have returned home after the first day with high spirits because she had a good time.

"Find another child in the neighborhood with whom your youngster can walk to school or ride on the bus.

"If you feel it is appropriate, drive your child (or walk with her) to school and pick her up on the first day. "


There are other ways to give a child the comforts of home while at school. Packing a healthy, familiar lunch from home can be an enjoyable way for your child to relax during lunchtime and be ready for afternoon classes.

EmpowHER has many tips on how to provide your child with a great lunch, at a low cost, that will both nourish and comfort.

Washing fresh fruit and vegetables in bulk makes things so much easier for the week. Every night, you can simply transfer some into small plastic containers that can be reused.

A whole-grain sandwich and fresh water or milk can round out a well-balanced meal with an occasional treat thrown in for good measure!

An oatmeal cookie or treat, lower in sugar and rich in calcium and vitamins, is a nice thing for any child to find in their lunch box as long as the rest of his or her lunch is fresh, unprocessed and tasty.

Cutting sandwiches into fun shapes and using fruits or vegetables as designs encourages children to eat.

From EmpowHER:

"Like adults – kids also appreciate a nice presentation. Make sandwiches into fun shapes using cookie cutters! Make them spooky for Hallowe’en, pumpkin-like around Thanksgiving ... A few light cream cheese crackers with tomato eyes and cucumber smiles will make you kid want to gobble it up! Making healthy foods fun is a great way to make kids love to eat those healthy foods!"

And finally, talk to your kids in the evening about their day and watch for cues of nervousness or distress. Make sure they know they can talk to you about anything. Continued communication with teachers and school staff can ensure a new school year gets off to a fun and healthy start.


American Academy of Pediatrics. Back to School Tips. Web. Retrieved August 21st, 2013.

EmpowHER.com. Diet and Nutrition. Healthy School Lunches. Web. Retrieved August 21st, 2013.

Reviewed August 21, 2013
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith

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