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5 Tips for Raising Healthy Kids From the Drugless Doctor

By Expert HERWriter
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As a practicing chiropractor, natural health doctor and parent for the past thirty years, I have seen and treated thousands of infants, toddlers, elementary-aged children and adolescents without ever having to prescribe medication. (And I love saying that last part!)

Since this is EmpowHER, and you’re reading this, I’m assuming you are a mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin or someone who is interested in finding out how to raise and maintain the child in your life’s health, so they can have the best life possible. Here are five tips that I have used and encourage my practice members to use who are new parents and are navigating parenthood.

1. Cook Together

cooking together

Your children will eat what they see you eat, so make sure to eat healthy foods!

2. Teething


When your child begins teething and growing, their body requires calcium.

3. Thyroid Health

thyroid health

Sometimes ‘growing pains’ can be caused by a functional low thyroid (cold hands and feet are common body signals). In the morning BEFORE they get out of bed, measure your child’s armpit temperature. The temperature should be 97.8 or above. If it’s lower, add organic iodine (liquid form, or from sea vegetables) or celtic sea salt.

4. Read together as a family

read together

Health isn’t always about nutrition. Make an effort to spend time creating healthy habits that stimulate your child’s cognitive abilities. Read to them, encourage them to sound out the letters, and when they are capable, have them read to you.

5. Correct Posture

good posture

As a chiropractor, I’m always promoting correct posture, which is just as important for our children. It can increase the expansion of their lungs, increase oxygen flow and give them more energy.

I recently taped a Google+ Hangout with my daughter-in-law, Dr. Casen DeMaria, discussing children’s health. You can watch that segment here. Feel free to ask your questions in the comment section, and I will answer them in an upcoming #AskDrBob.

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