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Good Hormonal Balance: How Can Women Achieve This? - Dr. Marchese (VIDEO)

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Good Hormonal Balance: How Can Women Achieve This? - Dr. Marchese (VIDEO)
Good Hormonal Balance: How Can Women Achieve This? - Dr. Marchese (VIDEO)
12 of 30 : Current video

Dr. Marchese shares three steps a woman can take to remain in good hormonal balance.

Dr. Marchese:
So three simple things that a woman could do, which would be considered preventative medicine to keep her hormones in good balance would be the first thing is that if she is a cigarette smoker, absolutely stops smoking cigarettes. Cigarettes have three different heavy metals and three different solvents in them and plus they emit a chemical called polyaromatic hydrocarbons.

Those solvents, metals and polyaromatic hydrocarbons alter a woman’s hormones and you know, we always think about smoking and lung cancer, but I actually see smoking related to hormonal problems in women, PMS, menopausal hot flashes, infertility, so that would be the first tip is to stop smoking and there’s a lot of stop smoking programs and support out there for people.

The second thing would be to switch from a heavy meat and dairy-based diet to more of a fruit, vegetable, lean turkey and fish type diet; more of a Mediterranean style diet. That way you are decreasing foods that are inflammatory and you are decreasing foods that may have hormones added to them as many of our animals do in this country.

And then the third thing would be to avoid plastics that contain the chemicals phthalates and bisphenol A and so those chemicals would be contained in plastics such as plastic water bottles, plastic Tupperware, you know, avoid cooking with plastic or heating them in the microwave, and there’s more information about those chemicals and those links on my website at drmarchese.com.

Those would be the three top things I would suggest women do to help keep their hormones balanced all on their own.

About Dr. Marianne Marchese, N.D., L.L.C.:
Dr. Marianne Marchese is a clinician, author, and educator. She graduated from Creighton University in 1990 with a B.S. in Occupational Therapy and specialized in neurological and orthopedic conditions while working at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Dr. Marchese received her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM) in Portland, Oregon in 2002. She completed a two-year postgraduate residency in Integrative Medicine and Women's Health and completed a six-month post-graduate training in Environmental Medicine.

Visit Dr. Marchese at her Website


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