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How Can Women Advocate For Their Lung Health? - Dr. Henschke (VIDEO)

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How Can Women Advocate For Their Lung Health? - Dr. Henschke (VIDEO)
How Can Women Advocate For Their Lung Health? - Dr. Henschke (VIDEO)
3 of 27 : Current video

Dr. Henschke shares how women should advocate for their lung health.

Dr. Henschke:
We think that screening is not a yes or no answer. We think that each person, and in this case each woman, needs to understand what her age, her smoking habits are, and other family, if there has been a family history of lung cancer and needs to ask the question and have information available to them so they should be able to say, “Well doctor, what’s my chances of getting lung cancer, and what’s my chances of having a benefit from getting a CT screening?”

And once that conversation takes place between each person, the woman and the doctor, then they should make up their mind whether it’s worthwhile to pay for that CT scan.

Now the CT scan is really very low cost. You can get it in this country between $150 on up, $300 as a common charge that is asked for a CT scan. So it’s not so costly when you think about it might potentially save your life.

About Dr. Henschke, M.D., Ph.D.:
Dr. Claudia Ingrid Henschke, M.D., Ph.D., M.S., is an Attending Radiologist at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Professor of Radiology in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical School. She is a clinical expert in percutaneous fine needle lung biopsies and thoracic radiology and board certified in Diagnostic Radiology. Dr. Henschke received her master’s degree from Southern Methodist University, her Ph.D. from the University of Georgia, and medical degree from Howard University College of Medicine.

Visit Dr. Henschke at Weill Cornell Medical College

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