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Pamela Shares Her Menopause Story (VIDEO)

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Pamela Shares Her Menopause Story  (VIDEO)
Pamela Shares Her Menopause Story (VIDEO)
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Pamela introduces herself and shares personal experience with menopause.

My name is Pamela Tames, and I am a hormone expert of sorts and author, and I say "of sorts" because I am not a medical doctor, but I wrote a book recently with my co-author who is a research endocrinologist, Dr. Chris Heward at Kronos Longevity Research Institute in Arizona.

The book is called Ride the Pink Elephant. You can learn more about it at ridethepinkelephant.com. It attempts to remedy the many misconceptions about hormone therapy as it pertains to women’s sexuality and women’s health once they go into menopause.

I had no idea what was happening to my body. I had heard from female friends that hormones cause waking, and I was pretty convinced I didn’t have any hormones in me, and yet I was going through all this waking and I hadn’t changed what I or how I exercised.

Now the second thing that happened was for all intents and purposes, sexually speaking, in terms of my interest in sex, I was pretty much dead. In fact, I hadn’t thought about sex for probably a couple of years, and it cost me a marriage ultimately, but that didn’t quite register, but what did register is the sense that I had disappeared.

It was like the hormones were these lights that kept me vibrant and sexually attractive, and when the lights weren’t there I was invisible. I mean, it got so bad I couldn’t get a date to save my life and ended up phoning a psychological matchmaker expert who as she took me through the interview process, found out how old I was, and as though needing to find a reason to continue, said to me, and I was in my early 40s at the time, said to me, “Well, at least you’re not 50. If you were 50 I couldn’t do anything with you.”

And of course I have images of Sheryl Tiegs and Madonna, who is turning 50 this summer, and even Demi Moore going through my mind, and I said to her, “What, not even the really hot 50 year old, it's impossible?” and she goes, “No, 50 is not nifty. You haven’t got a hope of getting a date.” So suffice to say I did not join that dating service, but I did realize it’s hot but I am not.

Everyone knows you only talk about sex in secret. Everyone but me that is. I’m Pamela Tames and you can hear more about my take on sex and the older woman at http://seasonedsex.com.

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