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Would I be okay ?

By June 11, 2020 - 10:36pm
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I took a prostinor on the 15th of may and another one on the 28th of may, I had an emergency tonight and I have to get one which will be the 12th of June. I do not plan to take anymore prostinors I’m going to start back my birth control but I am concerned
I am concerned about how I took 2 already and I have to take this other one because I do not want to get pregnant but I’m very worried because I heard too much can cause problems for when I want to get pregnant. Is it okay to take this pill one last time and I’d be okay considering I took 2 before or will I have complications ?

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HERWriter Guide

Hello dmahabir12

Thank you for posting.

Taking this much EC is one month is not really an emergency. If pregnancy concerns you, you need to be using hormone-free condoms.

But taking it like this is not going to affect any future pregnancy. There is no science behind that.


June 12, 2020 - 4:38am
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Emergency Contraception

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