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why heavy period and discharge from nipple

By Anonymous December 23, 2010 - 7:10am
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help doctor .i have a milky white substance coming from both nipples.and under my left breast it itches badly then it becomes sore when i scratch.also imy period which ranges between 26 and 28 last year has now turn to 24 and 33 this year.it flows heavily on the first two days with clots then on the third it becomes scanty and on the fouth day a big clot comes out then it ends the period.i just got married this year ie.november i haven,t missed my period.when i was 15 a man gat me pregnant and hehe asked me to abort the baby.it was done by suction cuterrage.then he told me i shall menstrate for three days.then the doctor ask me to see him on the fouth day but i was affrid he will with me so i didn,nt show up.please culd it be the cause of my problems

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We are not doctors, and it is imperative that you see a reputable, trustworthy medical doctor. Do you have access to one?

How long ago was your abortion?

The discharge from your nipples, accompanied by itching, indicates a possible infection. An infection will NOT go away on its own, and you need to receive antibiotics or other medication before it becomes more severe.

Can you tell us how old you are, if you have access to a doctor?

December 23, 2010 - 12:03pm
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